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Beyond Organic Land Care for New Mexico:
Soil Health Through Compost and Biochar

Are you a homeowner with a perennial landscape or lawn?

Do you have a home vegetable garden or market garden?

Are you a large scale farmer or rancher?

Are you involved with ecosystem restoration or rehabilitation?

We Are Here to Help With Organic Land Care Solutions!

We focus on soil health by offering a range of services and products specifically targeted to the home gardener.
However, we also have the capacity and knowledge to help larger scale land caretakers/farmers/ranchers. 
Our work is centered around improving, regenerating, and maintaining soils and  is applicable to anyone who is growing plants! This includes the areas of residential gardens/landscapes/lawns, agriculture, cannabis, commercial landscapes, plant nurseries, and ecosystem rehabilitation.

What We Do
Certified Soil Food Web Consultant
focusing on plant, soil and ecosystem health through the use of high-quality, microbially rich compost and biochar.

Home Garden & Landscape Care

On-site applications of nutrient dense and soil food web rich amendments.

Biological Soil Test

Data on types and numbers of microorganisms in your soil.

Soil Amendment

Compost + Biochar


High-quality compost made from the decomposition of organic matter.


Porous, carbonaceous material that is produced by pyrolysis of plant biomasses in an oxygen-limited environment.

  • Fertilizer
  • Pesticide/herbicide/fungicide
  • Time
  • Energy
  • Water
  • Gasoline/diesel (equipment)
  • Money…
  • Plant Health
  • Yield
  • Nutrient Density
  • Money…

Soil health has never been more important. If you are serious about wanting to improve the health of your soils, reach out for a complimentary 15 minute phone call.

(Full Circle Soil Health is based in Albuquerque, New Mexico)