Quality Compost Network

We recognize that it is sometimes difficult to find high quality compost. Our Quality Compost Network is an ongoing project to try to rectify that! This is a compilation of compost producers and compost sellers that make/sell highly diverse and microbially active compost.


*Please note that the information proved by the companies/individuals has not been verified for authenticity by Vital Grow Inc. Contact the organizations directly if you have any further questions.*

The Producers listed have filled out a form to provide more information about their practices and the information that they provided can be accessed by clicking on their names. Everyone listed on our site has told us that they monitor the biology levels in their finished compost and will provide that data upon request. It is our opinion that it is best to purchase from someone who is willing to provide that information.


The Sellers listed are companies that sell compost made by one of the Producers.

If you are interested in being added to the network, please fill out the Quality Compost Network Submission Form (linked below) and we will add you to the network if you qualify. You must measure biological data in the finished compost and be willing to provide that data upon request in order to qualify for being added to the network.


Quality Compost Network Submission Forms:

English | Español | Deutsch

The names below are organized first by Producer or Seller. They are then further divided by country and are in alphabetical order.


(Note that some Producers also sell directly to the public.)



United Kingdom




Organics Alive

Regenerative Living​

Vital Garden Supply